PAC - Parent Advisory Council
For more the most up-to-date information, including previous newsletters and ways to get involved:
- please visit our PAC website
- join our PAC Facebook group
Check the website calendar for meeting dates.
Order hot Lunches and Fundraising at MunchaLunch.com You pay for your orders here by credit card.
Online ordering will be OPEN for specific dates listed on Hot Lunch and /or fundraising notices
If you need assistance with ordering, or do not have access to the internet, please contact Sarah Fleming at sarah_vanessa87@hotmail.com
Contact Sarah if you want to be a volunteer.
Please note if your child is ill on a lunch day, you are welcome to come and pick up their lunch but we cannot keep the food for them for the next day. There are NO REFUNDS as this is a PAC fundraiser.
Download munchalunch for food day payments. (See instructions attached)