Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct and Expectations
At Margaret Stenersen School we believe that students are to feel safe, secure, and welcomed in an inclusive environment where all are respected and can learn. We (the teachers, students and parents) have a responsibility to do our part to sustain the Abbotsford School District Code of Conduct.
Expectations of Students
The following list of expectations is not all inclusive. It is to provide guidelines as to what we value, promote and expect of our students.
• to attend consistently and arrive on time
• to be honest, kind and respectful of self, others, school property and surrounding properties
• to come to school prepared with the necessary materials
• to actively engage in learning opportunities to the best of their ability
• to play safely, respectfully and appropriately
• to be accepting and inclusive of others regardless of race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity
• to stay on the school grounds during school hours
• Students are not to use cellular phones, iPods or other personal electronic devices during school hours (except with teacher permission)
When parents, teachers, support staff and administrators work together as a team, it benefits students. Be sure to meet your child’s teacher early in the school year and continue to communicate on an ongoing basis.
Be informed about your child’s class and school activities - follow stenersen.abbyschools.ca
Ask questions, in person or email, when you are unsure about something. (Teachers are not expected to reply to emails on weekends or evenings.)
If problems or concerns arise, discuss them directly with the teacher or person involved. Be specific about the concern and remain calm and focused on what is best for your child.
If after meeting with your child’s teacher, you need further assistance, you may request a meeting with the Principal or Vice-Principal.
At Margaret Stenersen we have high behavioural expectations where student safety is paramount, and respect for self and others is the norm. We adhere to our district’s Code of Conduct. Our goal is always to listen, understand and help students gain skills to increase positive behaviour and their ability to self-manage. Students exhibiting inappropriate or unsafe behaviour will have consequences that are reflective of their behaviour and individualized. We expect students to be honest, take responsibility for their actions and understand how they can improve and make better choices moving forward. Parents can expect communication from the school if their child is involved in a situation requiring support and intervention.