Margaret Stenersen Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures
Our parking lot is a very busy place during drop off and pick up time. To keep students safe and to keep the traffic flowing please use the following procedures.
Morning Drop Off
- Use the Drop Off-Pick Up lane.
- Pull up as far as possible before your children get out of the vehicle.
- Arrange for your child to exit the vehicle on the passenger side.
Afternoon Pick Up
- Pull up as far as possible.
- Remain in your car while waiting for your child in the Drop Off/Pick Up lane
- If someone in front of you exits, pull up all the way to close the gap.
Please look for direction from traffic attendants.
Always use crosswalks - NEVER Jaywalk across Old Clayburn Rd
Following these simple rules will make a big difference in easing traffic congestion and keeping our students safe!
Thank you very much for your cooperation!